At the end of my college career in May of 2009, I was absolutely exhausted(<- bet you're wondering what this has to do with rain boots, huh? Just wait...) I had just finished taking my finals for both abstract algebra, and number theory (read: really really hard and super-nerdy math). I had literally experienced a mini-nervous break down during that semester. The work load was impossibly large (and I had attended a college prep school, so I was accustomed to 4+ hours of homework every evening), the material was horribly difficult, and to top it all off, I was planning our wedding. Both of my professors graded my finals on the spot, so I knew I had passed both classes by a large margin (insert saint-making miracle here), and I was seriously crying with happiness. I knew that nothing could stop me from graduating now (I always assume I'm failing each class I take, I don't know why, but thankfully that was never a self-fulfilling belief...). I wanted to reward myself, but I didn't have really any idea what to do. I knew I was planning a wedding (planning a wedding=broke as a joke), and that I couldn't afford to buy myself anything really nice, and for some reason I was feeling frivolous. That doesn't happen with me very often; I tend to be VERY practical. I decided to take a trip to super target (budget shopping!) to see what I could find. Upon entrance I was less than thrilled with the usual items, clothing, bags, jewelry, etc. I decided to take a quick run through the shoe section before heading over to housewares (my usual Target indulgence). As I was skimming the aisles, light from heaven seemed to shine down upon one particular pair...

I don't know why I fell head-over-galoshes in LOVE with them, but I did. "I can't justify this," I said to myself. Then I sat back and thought about the last time I'd made a silly purchase. I couldn't think of one in any kind of near memory. "Don't I get one silly little thing every once in a while? And they only cost $18..." I walked out that day with perhaps the most ridiculous purchase I thought I would ever make. Turns out, they have been anything BUT ridiculous.
They have traveled with me to San Fransisco, Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria, London, Barcelona, Alicante, Nice, Mote Carlo, Rome, Naples, Sorrento, Pisa, and Gibraltar, not to mention accompanying me to work and on errands MANY times in the last (almost) 2 years. I wager I have worn and needed them at least 20 or 30 times since purchasing them. So take THAT, practicality! Silly things can be useful! I have fallen in love with rain boots and hope to own many more of them some day (whenever I live in a place that causes me to need more than one pair). With that love in mind, here are some sweet pics of adorable wellingtons, and some very cute people wearing them!

Why, why, WHY do I look so terrible in yellow?? I NEED these.

Very Pippi Longstocking

I would love some wellies with handles some day!

Siiiiiiinging in the raaaaaiiiiinnn, just siiiiiiinging in the raaaaaiiiinnn!

GREAT idea~too bad nothing grows in phoenix. I guess I could pot a cacti in a rubber boot...

Blue plaid! These must be the siblings to my pink plaid lovelies.

Papa wellie, Mama wellie, and baby wellie!

Dancing in rain boots? Best. Thing. Ever.
When was the last time you allowed yourself to spend just a small amount of money on frivolity? Don't go crazy, but take some time every once in a while to just spoil yourself. Maybe you'll find your purchase wasn't so silly after all! =) Happy Sunday, friends!
(some images via We Heart It, and some form personal collection)
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