I LOVE JCrew. If I could max out someone else's credit card at any store, it would be
JCrew, or
Emersonmade's online store. But the spring line for JCrew is ADORABLE! Below are some of my faves.

Yellow toggle coat, and yellow hard-sided suitcase~ here I come, spring!

If only I could look like the model in these white capris - that's my excuse for not buying them (surely it isn't the $100+ price tag...)

White is so crisp -I love it! Not to mention this amazing pencil skirt. Everyone looks great in a fitted pencil skirt. Period.

Yay for summer and swimming (about the only redeeming part about summer in Phoenix, that and vacations...)! These two suits are chic and girly. And the cover below is perfect for a lounging in a chair by the pool.

Stripes and more stripes. I love all things nautical - bring on the stripes and anchor motifs!

Great Valentines Day date dress!

Oh riding boots, I'd wear you mid-summer if the 120 degree weather would let me... But alas, this would have to be
my summer uniform
: (<-if I could afford it!)

Lavender belt (cinched around ->)+ White collared shirt + Khaki shorts + gladiator flats = spring/summer outfit staple! While I'm on the subject, straw totes are perfect for summer; they make you look polished without even trying. Not to mention it makes me want to ride my bicycle to my local farmers market and buy organic groceries. If only I could be that euro-chic!

Fun skirt alert!

Scarves = another "I'm all put together without actually trying," look.

YUMMY! I want this cocktail ring!

Orange is such a great color. Skirts, totes, furniture... it almost always looks good.

Ooooh, shiny! *reaches out and tries to touch*

Since I have to WORK for a living (sad and unfair, I know), I'd love to wear these Italian wool beauties. In either color, if you're in the gifting mood...

New from their wedding line (was unaware of its existence until AFTER I was hitched - horrible horrible timing!).

Leather bomber - have wanted one FOREVER, but still don't have one. I always convince myself that they don't look right on my shoulders. This may or may not have something to do with my fear of the price tag - the verdict is still out.

Sweater/Hoodie = greatest/most comfortable idea ever! Did someone win a prize for this? They should have.

Hipster glasses, for when I ride my bike to the farmers market.

Coral is an amazing color. I plan an acquiring more of it... probably on the sale rack in October.

Warning for boots above: only wear if you look NOTHING like a construction worker!

Lounging pants... yes, Yes, YES!

Oh Jcrew - when are you going to get together with Target like
Calypso St. Barth,
Liberty of London, or
Isaac Mizrahiny so that I can afford your style and class? Alas, I'll just dream... and re-create things on a Ross-budget, of course =)
wow there are some nice things in this lines, but i must know, where did you find those riding boots??? they are just stunning!
ReplyDeleteI believe they were JCrew, but I think they're sold out now. Try the Sheplers boots here:
They're equally AMAZING!