This is my scary halloween picture for the day! OOOOooooooOOOOOooooo Are you scared??
Why yes - that IS a pool original to our 1970s ranch home. And yes, the previous owner DID fill it in with dirt and leave it for a decade. And finally yes, the owner did so badly neglect the pool mess that he allowed two palm trees to take root in the deep end. Please, try to contain your jealousy - not everyone can have a useless and un-salvageable pool in their mostly-dirt backyard, and that person is not you - it's me.
We are taking pickaxes, sledgehammers, and toothpicks to this thing every weekend, and have succeeded in breaking up most of the big stuff. Now we're just trying to bring it down the last few inches before we rent us a big giant dumpster to make the top two feet of this thing history (In hopes of laying a sandstone patio & some grass in it's place). Anyone else ever had to rip out a pool without a backhoe? We are too darn cheap to rent one and we're gaining some rich sense of self
Any concrete-removal advice would be appreciated. But I probably will want to drag this out for a while longer, it's just been so much fun ;) Someday... SOMEDAY I will have a live-able backyard. You know, for those 4 weeks that Phoenix weather is live-able. Please dish all your backyard stories, make me feel better! Happy Monday, friends!