Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Long weekend happenings...

Here's where we were this weekend...

We took a little time out to go skiing!  Side note - I took a seminar this weekend to learn how to use the DSLR camera I have the pleasure of safeguarding (being yearbook teacher has its perks!!), and all of the pics in this post were shot in manual mode, and I haven't edited them one tiny bit.  Heck yes!!

The conditions were VERY snowy (and cold - it was in the high teens with wind chill - a bit much for a heat-loving lizard like me), which caused Eric to wear his driving game face the whole way off of the "rim" (otherwise known as the Colorado Plateau, for you Geography pros).

I guess I would wear my driving game face, too!

We had the pleasure of spending a little time the night before with my dad...

And mom...

At their time share in Kohl's Ranch (my aunt and uncle came too, but I wasn't sure they wanted their pictures broadcast about the internets...  My parents however, have to love me regardless).  I'm pretty extra pleased about these pics.  They were taken inside at night (in VERY low light), and using my class notes, I was able to "manual mode" the crap out of these shots.  Booyah.  See how the last one even incorporates my new knowledge of "depth of field?"  I'm pretty pleased.

Did you have yesterday off?  What did y'all do with your long weekend?  Did you, like me, become exponentially less frightened of the extreme confusion that can be caused by a DSLR camera?  Do tell, and have a happy Tuesday, friends!

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