Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A penny for your thoughts...

After seeing this image on Pinterest...

I am completely OBSESSED with doing this to the floors in our house.  I showed Eric and he asked, "I wonder how much it costs per square foot? Get it? Because it's money on the floor?  Get it??"  See the ridiculous Polish jokes I have to put up with?  It's no wonder my sense of humor is so warped.  Aaaaanyway...

I seriously LOVE this look, and I'm coveting it for my kitchen and bathrooms.  Here's some pictures of the project in progress (Gosh I wish this was my home!!):

Sorting and checking to make sure none of the collected pennies are of any serious value.

Laying out the pattern - look at that coppery sparkle! *sigh*

Grab a few friends, some pizza, beer, and $3,400 in pennies, and you'll have yourself a showstopper floor in no time!

You'll have to seal it with some resin, I'm sure.  But in the end, your floors will look like this:

Are you in love??  Because I am!  Now all I need to do is come up with $3,400 in pennies and lots of willing friends, and I'm good to go.  Happy Tuesday, friends!

PS - Going to try to be a daily blogger as usual this week, but my lovely sister is graduating from high school TOMORROW (holy cow, I'm OLD!), and we will have a lot of crazy partying tasteful celebrating to do, so forgive me if I'm not around as much as normal.  AND I'm hoping to show you may awesome party decorations later in the week; stay tuned!


  1. That's crazy!!!! Maybe you could do the patio? Start with something smaller...see how it works? Or a bathroom?

  2. Uhm i think your math is a little off. If you need $3,400 worth of pennies, that's 340,000 actual coins. And at 296 cents (actual coins) per sq foot (and that's cramming them in to they touch), that means your kitchen and bathrooms add up to 1,148 sq feet... I guess some people have huge kitchens..

    1. I love your math anonymous! I understood the "$3,400 worth of pennies" because I knew immediately she wasn't referring to the "number" of pennies, but I was expecting (and so were you) that its what she would've said.
