Could I keep the walls white and still make my room look this chic? I'm a little chicken when it comes to white walls. I'll admit it, I lean on paint colors like a crutch. I think the luxe drapes add a lot of drama without needing paint... Maybe that's the ticket...

I love all the color in this room. I really don't know how people combine this many colors and still make it look like a pulled-together space. Guess I'm still learning that one. The Navajo rug is brilliant~I never would have chosen that pattern for this room!

Modern bedrooms can sometimes feel cold to me, but this is proof that minimalist modern can feel comfy and chic~sign me up!

A gabled roof and lattice windows will automatically make your bedroom cozy. Sometimes I get jealous of people whose houses have natural character... All I've got is asbestos popcorn ceilings~curse you 1970's building styles! ;)

I bet all the gentlemen would love to live in this bedroom. Why you say? It belongs to Meg Ryan =) Those tall windows and the barn door are adorable. Would you do a barn door in your home, or is it a bit too rustic? I personally love them.

I'm falling in love with cowhide rugs lately; they add a bit of rustic interest to any room. I also love the look of the white walls and that gold side table.

What adorable window treatments! These are just too sweet for words! I've also always wanted an antique bust in my room. I think I'd use it to display particularly lovely necklaces (maybe something from my ultimate jewelry crush, Stella and Dot?).

Doesn't this room remind you of a more modern version of the children's room in Mary Poppins? I keep expecting Julie Andrews to walk into the frame and sing, "A Spoonful of Sugar."

This is proof that you can have a more masculine room without it feeling like a man cave. The plaid bedding and dark, rich wood tones make a man feel welcome in the space, but the softness of the drapes and the sweet ocean themed prints keep the space fresh enough for any chic lady.

This room feels so British I think it must speak with an accent. The metalwork on the bed frame is so classic, and the wallpaper is divine! If I went to boarding school in England, I would make SURE my room looked just like this.

That chaise is ADORABLE!! And that's it, we're putting french doors in our bedroom. Never mind the difficulty with our 70's, block-construction ranch home. It's done.

This modern take on the circus tent could have been SO BAD. But the rich fabrics, clean lines, luxe finishes, and attention to detail makes it SO GOOD. Bravo! P.S. Can I WEAR that fur throw on the sofa? Ok, thanks.

A tan, wing-backed, nail-head trimmed headboard? Kill. Me. Now. Death by pure design awesomeness!

Wow, holy gorgeous! This room looks rich~that's about all I can say. From the antique headboard, to the zebra rug to the painted silks... wow.

Those sconces spell D-R-A-M-A, in a good way. And can we talk about that white body pillow with green piping?? Yeah, I'll take eleventy-hundred of those, please and thank you.

Did you think I could EVER make it through a bedroom post without showing you something nautical?! Of course not! Oh blues and whites, where would I be without you?? And the vintage life-preserver looks amazing in this space. Yummy.
Holy longest post eveeeeeerrrrrrrrr!! I hope you enjoyed oogle-ing these photos as much as I did. Any you love? Hate? What is your favorite feature about your bedroom? I'm looking for ideas here, people! =) Happy Thursday, friends!
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